The Internet of Things at adesso

The way to connect people, machines and products

adesso connects the world

Thanks to the Internet of Things

  • Mobile cranes provide detailed data on every operation and also provide new service and remote support options.
  • Lighting systems collect their own usage information via sensors and use it to optimise their energy consumption based on the behaviour of the building users themselves.
  • Entire machine parks are networked so that maintenance is triggered independently before downtimes occur.

These are just a few examples of how it can be used. The Internet of Things has gone from being a future topic to having firmly arrived in the now. The increasing degree of digitalisation that it entails not only poses major challenges for companies and industry, but at the same time also opens up a wide range of opportunities. adesso assists you in exploiting this innovation potential for yourself.

Free white paper on the Industrial Internet of Things

IIoT platforms as a central database for digital production

Are you looking to optimise your production based on data? Then you cannot avoid IIoT platforms. Being well prepared is the key to making your first venture into them a successful one. Our white paper is here to help you do just that.

In it, you will learn

  • what companies use IIoT platforms for,
  • which platforms are available,
  • how to find the right IIoT platform and
  • what role IIoT platforms will play in production in future.

Learn more and download for free

adesso provides holistic IoT solutions from a single source

adesso is your partner for all topics related to the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0. From data collection to cloud development and data analysis, to digital services, we support you with holistic approaches – across industries and always with the added value and benefit of the solution in focus.

We connect your machines and devices to the virtual world and enable your company to meet the requirements of digitalisation and develop untapped potential. Digitalisation promotes product innovations – water is no longer the only thing flowing out of the tap. Networking and data provision enables toilets to flush automatically at set intervals to ensure hygiene standards are maintained and allows anomalies in water consumption to be detected and reported accordingly.

This not only creates valuable data that can be used for topics such as maintenance and predictive servicing – companies can also tap into new digital service opportunities and expand their field of business.

An overview of our services

Technologies and frameworks

IoT platforms and modern cloud technologies such as Microsoft Azure are among the tools we use each and every day. We focus on your requirements during the implementation process in order to develop the best possible architecture.

An optimal IoT infrastructure as the basis for your own solutions

Not every IoT platform is equally suited to every project. The approaches differ both in terms of the range of functions (from readymade dashboards to individual cloud services for building your own functions) and the type of provision (software components, PaaS, SaaS), as well as the flexibility needed to adapt to your own requirements.

We support you in choosing the right technology – from open source to SaaS solutions – and are available to help you with the implementation.

Successful projects and satisfied customers – our selected references

Our excerpt from our references gives you an insight into our day-to-day work and the various projects we implement to help our customers streamline their business processes and make them more efficient using modern technologies.

Our blog posts on the Internet of Things

In our blog, we take you on an exciting journey across the adesso world. We report on technologies, methods and topics that affect individual sectors, as well as discuss our own experiences.

To the blog posts

Any questions?

There is no website or brochure which can replace a personal meeting to talk about your goals and topics. We are looking forward to an appointment on site.


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